Manuel I Comenus
Manuel I Comenus
1143-1180 The son of John II and grandson of Alexius I, Manuel was made emperor while his father was on his deathbed. John had led a formidable army towards Latin-held Antioch with the purpose of retaking this city, had just begun its siege and settled in for a protracted affair. Immediately after his ill-timed death, however, Manuel lifted the siege and immediately set course back home lest any of his brothers might attempt to contest the throne. Manuel was a vigorous leader who possessed many of the positive characteristics common to both John and Alexius. Militarily as well as diplomatically he was unable to regain much territory lost to either the East or West but he sure put up a good fight and, at any rate, was able to arrest further nibbling at the borders; in itself a challenging task. Before dying of illness he managed to marry his son Alexius to a daughter of the King of France in a bid to strengthen the eternally shaky relations with the Western nations.
AU Hyperpyron
SB 1956, DOC IV 1 AU Hyperpyron Obv: Half length bust of Christ facing.
Rev: Manuel standing facing, holding labarum and globus-cruciger; manus Dei above. c.1143-1152 (Constantinople). $650 5/21/03.
SB 1965, DOC IV 1 AU Hyperpyron Obv: +KEROHОёEI - Bust of Christ facing; IC XC to left and right.
Rev: MA/NOV/HL/О”EC/POT on left, TW monogram and POR/FVP/GEN/NH/T on right, Manuel standing facing, holding labarum and globus-cruciger; manus Dei above. c.1143-1152 (Constantinople). $750 1/16/02.
SB 1971, DOC IV 1 AU Hyperpyron Obv: Nimbate facing bust of Christ.
Rev: Manuel standing facing, holding labarum and globus cruciger. (Thessalonica).
AU Aspron Trachy
SB 1957 AU (Electrum) Aspron Trachy Obv: Christ enthroned facing, beardless, wearing nimbus cross, pallium and colobium, and raising right hand in benediction, in left, scroll; on either side of nimbus, IC XC
Rev: The Virgin, nimbate on right and Manuel, beardless on left both standing facing; the Virgin wears pallium and maphorium, and with Her right hand crowns the emperor, who wears divitision and loros, and holds labarum and akakia.
SB 1958, DOC IV 3, Berk 353 AU (Electrum) Aspron Trachy Obv: Christ seated facing on bench throne, holding Gospels; IC XC to left and right.
Rev: MANWHLО”ECPOTH - Manuel and the Virgin standing facing, holding patriarchal cross between them; M Q by her head. c.1152-1157 (Constantinople). $525 1/16/02.
SB 1959, DOC IV 4 AU (Electrum) Aspron Trachy Obv: No legend - IC XC across fields, Christ standing facing; stars at either side.
Rev: MANUHО›OО?EODWPOC - Manuel and St. Theodore holding patriarchal cross on globe between them; two pellets on cross shaft.
AE Tetarteron
SB 1970 AE Tetarteron Obv: ov mp - Virgin Mary facing with halo with a cross behind head, both hands raised.
Rev: MANOHAAEC - Manuel I facing bust wearing crown and holding labarum and cross on globe. $6 9/5/02.
SB 1975, DOC IV 18 AE Tetarteron Obv: Оё/О“/E-wP/О“I/OC - Nimbate bust of St. George facing, holding spear and shield.
Rev: MANOVHО›О”ECО OT - Crowned bust of Manuel facing, holding sceptre and cross on globe. c.1152-1160 (Thessalonica).
SB 1976 AE Tetarteron Obv: IC XC - Cross-atop three step platform, an 'x' behind cross.
Rev: MANOHО›О”ECО OT - Manuel I facing bust wearing crown and holding labarum and Cross on Globe. (Thessalonica).
AE Half Tetarteron
SB 1977 AE Tetarteron Obv: Manuel I standing, facing, holding labarum and globe.
Rev: Monogram. $18 7/10/04.
SB 1978 AE Tetarteron Obv: Manuel I standing, facing, holding labarum and cross on globe.
Rev: Jesus Christ standing, facing; IC XC across fields. $43 7/12/04.
SB 1979 AE Tetarteron Obv: Manuel I standing, facing, holding globe.
Rev: Monogram.
AE Trachy
SB 1963 AE Trachy Obv: IC - XC - Christ on throne
Rev: Manuel standing on left holding globus cruciger being crowned by Mary.
SB 1966 AE Trachy Obv: IC - XC - Christ on throne
Rev: Manuel standing, facing, wearing loros.