How do I know if it is a genuine OKM metal detector?
It often happens that illegal replicas or reconstructions of OKM detectors appear on the market. This cheap and non-functional fakes will bring nothing but trouble. Original OKM devices can be purchased only from the listed distributors! Some characteristics of genuine OKM devices can be found below on this page. If you have any doubts, please call us before purchasing a device!Do not buy any detectors from the company 'Gökalp Elektronik' from Istanbul!
This company is selling non-functional fakes (pirate copies) as well as errornous and out-dated software. If you already purchased a device from this company please contact us!
OKM engineers tested one of those devices and has been shocked about the results. Most wires had no connection. Some of the functions were not available anyhow. It was not possible to accomplish correct measurements and the results were not repeatable nor valid.
This mainly - but not exclusively - concerns the devices Rover C II and Rover Deluxe. Fake / Pirate Copy By scratching slightly on the surface you can remove the black painting from the case. Fake / Pirate Copy Wrong nameplate of a non-functioning pirate copy. Fake / Pirate Copy No warranty claims accepted with fake security seals --------------------------------------------------------------- Original product:
Original Scratch-resistant surfaces of all case parts made of solid black plastic assures durability.
Original Warranty is only available with original security seals.
Original Look for the original nameplate of OKM devices.